Besides being amazed at your ability to quote multiple posters – I cant do that! I’ll try to address your twisted points with a couple glasses of wine under my belt.
I said the problems could be resolved by good experienced agents. Obviously bad inexperienced ones can exacerbate things.
Two short sales 18 years does not an expert make you. Hell I’ve done about 50 the last year and still learn every day.
Who ever said anything about appraisals not being important? Of course they are but they dont set market values they validate them as reasonable or not. There is a big difference. My point was it would be inappropriate to set prices based upon an appraisal but thats not to say its not appropriate to have them validate an aggred upon price as reasonable. Hell in some cases an advance appraisal would come in at a price no buyer would ever pay. Ever consider that one?
I never said that real estate was fine art just that it is a unique asset and the pricing of them bears some similarity to how art work is priced.
Damn you are getting really good at twisting my comments without making a single new valid point. Gotta hand that to you.
Finally something we agree on. Buyers and sellers are on even paying field. Buyers can choose not to buy at current prices and sellers cand choose not to sell at current prices. It happens everyday. Yes many sellers are delusional and lazy buyt so are many buyers. Yes the bulk of the bank personnel appears to be incompetent.
Finally you’ve been a fringe player in this field for many years. Congratulations that means you can claim years of experience but how many transactions have you actually participated in. Hopefully you are smart enough to recognize you know what you know but you dont know every thing and cant see everything for “exactly what they are”. I learned that long ago…….