Been on this site for about 2 or 3 years now. I got it, get it and understand it and saw it coming too. Just like everyone on this site (or the majority). Crap, we all were talking about this on Sept 11, 2001.
I just hope you didn’t spend countless hours talking about “I knew it would happen” You quote a lot of outside sources, but I still haven’t seen any factual information from you other than what you knew was coming or what someone else said from some other source or site.
We’re all happy for you. Honestly. I am personally glad you made bank buying KFC. I can sleep better now and now I really understand the housing collapse and why it went out of control to begin with.
If you have information, put it up on the site and help other come to their own conclusions. No one cares what you predicted or what you knew all along. All anyone wants to know and see is what data and information you have to share.
It doesn’t matter if you were the original purveyor or not. Don’t you get it. Your past doesn’t matter. You’re like the Royce Gracie of the housing market crash. You were good in your day, but you can’t keep up with the new talent. Get some facts and stop boasting.