Because of Prop 13’s progeny, Props 58 and 193, Prop 13 benefits will eternally live on through the original Prop 13’s heirs. Because of the passing of these two later initiatives, Prop 13 benefits will live on into perpetuity, regardless of each property’s original owners ability or its 1st or 2nd generation (or beyond) “heir’s” ability to pay market-rate tax.
Prop 13 created a culture of those resident-owners (on behalf of their eventual heirs) present at the time of its inception as being the “winners” in this game. Every homebuyer who came after that is supporting their state and local gov’mt’s operations to varying degrees but FAR BEYOND any contribution made by their predecessor homewowners.
No one can fix this now. The CA legislature in place at that time did it to themselves (and to this great state that they served).