[quote=bearishgurl]you keep your attention focused on the East UC market (more affordable than the west end), I think you will be able to find a good home in your price range. But you will have to ACT quickly if you are interested in a property. Since there are so few “affordable” listings there, I have no doubt that there are potential buyers (possibly w/relatives living in and scouting the neighborhood for them) just waiting for the right property to become available. [/quote]
I understand that I have to act very quickly when/if something like that appears in UC. The slim inventory in our range means there is a lot of competition. This better Ramsay property has been on the market 50+ days (surprising, huh? It looked quite good on paper, with decent room sizes, 2 car garage, yard), and they lowered their price last month from 525K to under 500K. I wonder if it was something that maybe was not quite right or appealing in the house. I’d be surprised if there weren’t many offers on it.