[quote=bearishgurl]Well, uco, I there were two posts by me with relevant ACA links (as it applies to CA) on this thread but the one I brought to SK’s attention was on page 4 or 17, depending on how the reader has his/her Pigg site set up. Hope that helps.
When I did “hover” over the title to my post on that thread and click it, it gave me the link of page 1 only (or the latest page, as you posted here).[/quote]
I noticed the ‘page 1’ behavior and was in the middle of fixing my post you replied to — which locked me out of fixing it… To me, the item was on page 5.. I don’t have anyone ignored.
—– snip — replacement post was going to be—–
Had you even bothered to read any of the links I carefully referenced for your information in the following thread OR the CA agent-facilitator-in-the-trenches blogs they came from, you would have known this.
I would suggest being careful of using the ‘page number’ links, they don’t always end up at the same location. (depends upon who ignored who, what has since been deleted etc). I it showed up on page 5, not page 3 for me.
Rich T;
It would be nice to be able to have ‘links’ to specific comments, but the ‘#’ target codes will not work across page boundaries. May want to add a cgi/asp/jsp key for comment number.. something along the line of ?comment=264580 to allow jumping to that portion of the thread and viewing from there… and have the links in the individual posts ref that instead of #html_target..
(ok.. engineer hat off – to bed).
—– end snip ——-