[quote=bearishgurl][quote=ucodegen]…To get to Arizona, you can also go through Nevada then to Arizona..[/quote]
This is US 93, a mostly two-laner along the rim of the Hoover Dam, 35 mi SE of Las Vegas. A slow, comm’l truck-filled border crossing, this area is highly patrolled at ALL times. It would be only too easy to spot his vehicle there …[/quote]BTW, I forgot to mention.. it is no longer a two laner, and it no longer goes across the dam. The dam is now closed to cross traffic.
[img_assist|nid=17140|title=Hover Dam from new Bypass Bridge|desc=|link=popup|align=center|width=199|height=133]
[quote zk]So, bring your truck up there, the vehicle everybody is looking for. Break the axle, on purpose, by hitting a rock or something. (Who breaks an axle? That’s gotta be tough to do. He probably wouldn’t be driving like a maniac up there. It would only draw attention to himself. You gotta be stealthy in his situation.) You break the axle on purpose so that when they find your truck, they think you are in the immediate area.[/quote]I did a bit of research on the rear axles for Nissan Titan. It turns out that they do have a problem known by offroaders. The rear spider gear assembly is weak. This is only a problem when towing w/ larger tires or running really large off-road tires. I suspect the axle is not broken in his case.. it is the media having to ‘add something’ to be able to ‘repost’ something that is essentially the same as if it was updated news.. btw- how can you move around w/ 30 weapons??.. it is the ammo that you want a large quantity of, and a few very good weapons. About the spider gear assembly, you can only break it if you have good traction. In wet, snowy conditions.. you don’t have good traction.
[quote zk]So I was thinking, there’s an airport in Big Bear. Getting in and out of Big Bear is immensely faster and easier if you can fly. [/quote]But there may be an issue w/ having to file a flight plan. I suspect that he may have headed out through Lucerne Valley (to Victorville , Barstow, Mojave, and then back to LA). It is possible to skip Victorville completely on 247. The shorter path near Pearblossom is mostly 2 lane roads, not so commonly travelled and easier to control.
[quote=bearishgurl]Since one of Dorner’s victims was the daughter of the attorney who, by his statement, “botched” his disciplinary hearing against the LAPD, I’m just wondering why he didn’t instead file a claim against the City and then sue for damages (and his job back) when the judge hearing his mandamus petition rubber-stamped the hearing officer’s decision (as they often do, to get the case off their docket). In doing so, the judge hearing his petition left it wide open for Dorner to take legal action against the City and LAPD.[/quote]True.. but look at it from his side. He is military trained, not legal. He is unfamiliar with the process of using the courts and after the last ‘judge’ issue.. he probably feels that he can not get justice through the courts. He probably thinks that after this last one, there is no more recourse through the courts. He is probably taking the only course of action that he feels that he can.