This is the just the type of “entitlement mentality” that gets the many thousands of successful longtime homeowners’ blood boiling.[/quote]
Just for a different perspective, I’m also a long time homeowner and I don’t have much of a problem with short sales or strategic defaults. On a blood-boiling scale, it’s nothing compared to:
lenders and their agents who abandoned underwriting standards, approved loans for borrowers ill qualified to repay, enabled and sometimes participated approving fraudulent applications.
builders, and their agents who participated in the loan failures by buying down interest rates, and similarly participated in preparing fraudulent applications.
wall street banks who bought and packaged these loans into mortgage backed securities, selling them to investors (including public employee pension plans, thereby costing taxpayers) as safe investments.
bond rating services, who gave these MBS high ratings by abandoning their own standard of care, in exchange for fees paid by wall street banks who sponsored the securities.