There is already an overflow of qualified applicants for CA university billets and this DID NOT translate into more admissions or classes for students. In addition, the fees have been raised at least 10 times in the CSU system in the last eight or so years. It appears to me that the two systems are trying to eliminate more pension obligations so are letting go instructors before they vest. Meanwhile, the ones that are retiring are not being replaced. One business department head at SFSU told me that he had never been asked to lay off as many instructors as he had to in 2010 in his 30+ years in the system.[/quote]
I can believe that. But then the supply is very limited – and kept artificially that way – and the demand very high – so why not increase the fees – that are plenty of people qualified and willing to pay (or borrow)….that’s the bubble. Well, this has to burst sometime.
I just wonder how the dynamics will change when more people, for example in CA, can’t get in UC or CS and have to go out of state or private and therefore they (or their parents) HAVE to borrow more money. And those people upon graduation will default on the loans because they won’t have high enough paid jobs. Or they keep piling on more debt, making that much harder to marry and have kids and nearly impossbile to buy a house…. Hmmm. maybe that will push the house prices down….