[quote=bearishgurl]The problem I have is not whether you’re spouting “facts” as you understand the way the ACA should run. It is with how it actually runs on the ground in CA. The two may not be comparable in many ways.[/quote]
The problem I have is you. You spout opinions on things that aren’t subject to opinions. Whether Hispanics and Native Americans caused UH to pull out of CA isn’t a matter of opinion. It’s a matter of fact. That wasn’t the reason.
What you think are facts, don’t support your conclusions. I said Native Americans are eligible for coverage on the insurance exchanges. You expanded that to be proof that they’re enrolling because tribes are encouraging it. That part is true. What isn’t true is that they are enrolling. They aren’t in any significant numbers. Not in Arizona where I do have direct knowledge. And not in California where there is no published evidence of significant enrollment.
The only opinion I’ve provided is that you’re a racist. I’ve based that opinion on what you’ve said here. There’s ample evidence to support that opinion. Previous example included.