[quote=bearishgurl][quote=SK in CV][quote=bearishgurl]
I feel that the probable reason for United Health backing out of offering plans on CC for 2016 was that Hispanics have a high rate of diabetes and high blood pressure as do members of Native American tribes and CA has the biggest population of any state in the nation of both of these races/Nationalities.
I get that you hate brown people. But that doesn’t give you the right to make shit up. Your feelings don’t allow you to makes shit up without being called on it. If you have actual facts, share them. This isn’t an opinion thing. There may be a factual basis. Or it could be your racism. It’s one or the other.[/quote]I just saw this and it doesn’t even deserve a response except to say that (1) that it is NOT meant to be derogatory but it is simply a true statement, and (2) you don’t know a damn thing about me … not my race, my nationality or that of any of my close relatives …. nothing. So you can stop making insults directed at me now.[/quote]
It is not simply a true statement. It is a bigoted made up fantasy from someone who is either terrified or hateful of brown people. I don’t need to know anything about you to judge your words. Your words are racist. Full stop.
And this is how absolutely stupid your words are. Native Americans are exempt from the coverage mandate under the ACA. There might be some that are covered under exchange plans. But none of them have to be. None of them are subject to a penalty for not having coverage. So the likelihood that genetic predisposition to diabetes in Native American populations is even a tiny piece of the reason that an insurance company backed out of participating in an exchange is zero. But you “believe” they’re responsible. Because it’s easier to blame a brown person. Idiot.