[quote=bearishgurl][quote=sdrealtor]I guess I dont understand. Arent telecom engineers, software engineers, biotech workers, graphic artists, healthcare providers etc. all middle class jobs? Growing up I dont remember many of these jobs existing? These jobs seem to have expanded exponentially over the last two decades.
What I perceive is that the world has changed and the type of jobs that exist has shifted. Many of the more blue collar jobs (i.e.manufacturing have shifted overseas)and entire new categories of higher paying white collar jobs have been created. Am I missing something?[/quote]
Graphic artists and healthcare providers always existed. There are more healthcare providers now because more middle-class and poor families have “insurance” due to Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, Tricare, HMO’s, etc. Back in my day, if you didn’t have insurance, you didn’t go to the doctor unless you went to the emergency room and more patients paid cash for a dr visit.
The manufacturing and construction jobs of the past employed a WHOLE LOT more folks than the engineering jobs you mention here.[/quote]
Not only did they employ far more people, but most people could graduate from high school and get a job that could support themselves and, possibly, an entire family — on ONE income.