[quote=bearishgurl]Probably Bay Ho (92110) is out of your price range, but have you thought of Bay Park near the flats of Morena Blvd (still 92110)? Your kids would still be eligible to attend the same elem. school. I know a family in Bay Park whose kids are going to school in LJ. If I’m not mistaken, I think Bay Ho and/or Bay Park might be in the LJ High attendance area. Check it out.
Also, try UC’s east side for weed-infested former rentals or foreclosures for price. It’s a little cheaper and you’ll still get to attend UC High.
Don’t be so concerned about elem. school, esp. kindergarten. Your kids have a long way to go and K-3 is mandated to no more than 20 students per classroom in CA public schools. Believe me, I’ve had kids attend elem. school when there were 30+ students-per-room and one attending when there were only 20 students per classroom and there was a HUGE difference in the amount they learned and retained. Your main concern is how well the local high school prepares kids for college entrance. This is the bottom line.
A couple of corrections here.
– Bay Ho and Bay Park are NOT in the LJHS area. Bay Ho can choose between Mission Bay HS and Clairemont HS. Not sure about Bay Park – but since it’s south of Bay Ho – it’s not LJHS. LJHS does extend slightly outside of 92037 – by a few blocks in north PB. (aka Baja La Jolla.)
– The 20 kids max in K-3 went out the window this year due to budget cuts. My sons are both in this grade level – both are in classes larger than 20 at Curie Elementary.
Scarlett – there’s a new listing in UC that is awfully close to your criteria… 1683sf – but single level – so it lives larger… and listed for $560k.