[quote=bearishgurl]OK, I’m going to research what you’re saying here later tonight.
I’m puzzled though. It was obvious to me that McConnell had some idea of the questions that Tapper was going to ask him. He didn’t waste a second or flinch but answered them straight up, thoroughly and without hesitation. Isn’t CNN considered to be a liberal news media outlet? Why didn’t Tapper call him on his lies if he knew the truth?
Or maybe he didn’t research and therefore didn’t know the “truth” (as you say) … or didn’t have time in the broadcast to delve into the truth :=0
Conversely, ultra Lib Political Correspondent John Dickerson seemed to have no problem inviting Trump into his Beverly Hills home for a “Face the Nation” interview yesterday morning (June 5) for the sole purpose of attempting to make him look stupid.
Absolutely McConnell had it planned. He’s a seasoned politician. He knew the question would come up, and he had an answer ready. No CNN is not liberal. CNN is atrocious. CNN doesn’t have journalists. I don’t think there’s any network that does. There are some decent reporters. But they report what politicians say. They don’t follow up, or call them on BS. The only good follow-up questions come from the white house press pool. And you rarely see any of that on network or cable news.
I watched the first few minutes of the Trump interview. I’m not sure what your problem with it is. He’s running for president. Shouldn’t he be called on at least some of this dozens of lies? I didn’t watch the whole thing. Was he asked about when he supported the invasion of Iraq? He’s claimed a dozen times or more than he never supported it. He’s lying.