Of course, you millenials really have no idea about how overt discrimination feels because you have never experienced it … yet. That day will come and it might be sooner than you think.[/quote]
Are you now arguing that there are no millennials that have ever been turned down for a position/passed over for an older worker because they appeared too inexperienced/young or were too “risky” because of lack of mortgage and family obligations to keep them tied to the prospective job? Discrimination goes both ways.
For the paralegal positions you did not successfully interview for, were you asking for the same salary as the younger worker? Perhaps you were a more qualified candidate, but did not get the job because you were too expensive (boomers are generally more expensive and demand higher wages because of more personal financial obligations/expectations than their millennial competition)? Assume you (candidate “A”) meet all job requirements and will deliver 100% of needed results while costing $X. Candidate B will initially deliver 80% of the results while costing 70% of X. It would be a more prudent business decision to hire candidate B since the expected return of value on candidate B is 14% greater than that of candidate A. Further, candidate B has more “upside” and will produce close the 100% of the desired results after gaining experience while still costing significantly less than candidate A.