kev, those SOLID jobs were not the “glamour” jobs of today, nor did they have anywhere NEAR the working conditions of today OR employee-friendly laws in place (FMLA for example). Sorrento Valley either did not exist or was ONE dead-end street with four bldgs on it (circa very early-eighties). Most retired “boomers” in SD that DID NOT retire from the government retired from “head-down” positions such as assembler/mechanic from Convair, General Dynamics, NASSCO or Rohr. SD was a manufacturing town and the majority of contracts were with the military.
The Gen X and Gen Y family-consumers of today CAN live frugally and save but most choose NOT TO! Boomers had no other choice, due to lack of as many options, products, new housing tracts to choose from as young families of today do.
It’s all relative.[/quote]
+1 BG, you are spot on.
One minor nit, the current Gen-X/Gen-Y cubical jobs (marketing, IT, software development), they’re head down, non-glamours, assembly line work. More leeway due to things like FMLA and employment law but a whole lot more uncertainty in the job or any equivalent job being here tomorrow. (particularly, here as in California).
Rental management, a small business (and government headaches that go with it), are the way to go.