[quote bearishgurl]If this $85K is not addressed in the OP’s MSA, I think he should file for a “characterization hg” (of the 2640 amt). He can then file an abstract on the ex for whatever judgment is awarded to him and then get a writ of execution and lien her wages for payments until it is paid off (assuming other creditors have not already liened her wages). But he should only do this AFTER the negative real property issue is disposed of … in that order.[/quote]
I was thinking of using it as a negotiating point to get the ex-in-laws to write down part of the loan he owes them as well as stopping foreclosure proceedings, possibly bringing the total refinanced into a range he might be successful at. Reading between the lines makes it sound like she is “daddy’s little girl”. The ex-in-laws might negotiate the amount down to make it ‘go away’, but to accomplish this, he needs a competent attorney! Right now, it is hard to tell which way Real Estate is going to go, so disposing of RE might not be a good idea. Too much federal and state meddling. (OOPS.. looks like you caught that on your next post }:-))
[quote bearishgurl][quote ucodegen]If I am out of touch with today’s prices.. then I definitely went into the wrong field 8-P.[/quote]I KNOW, ucodegen. I missed my “calling” at least 35 years ago. It is too late for me now, lol :={
I know a Chinese lady who became an attorney after 50 (after her kids all grew up and left the nest) so it may not be too late.
[quote Eugene]So, assuming that he didn’t sign away his right to 85k in MSA somehow, it’s not all bad.[/quote]
That is what I was thinking.. but I am worried about a certain two words in a certain sentence of the MSA..