[quote=bearishgurl]I lost an immediate family member from Stage 4 melanoma. It’s a swift and sure death. I myself have had a non-malignant skin cancer removed. This is another one of those diseases that is entirely preventable by taking personal responsibility for one’s skin in the sun and paying attention to changes in one’s skin.
Bullshit. It is neither a swift and sure death, nor is it entirely preventable.
My brother has had it twice. First time more than 10 years ago. Second time 18 months ago. He’s still alive, with no signs of it. Neither are all melanomas preventable.
You’re lucky you’re healthy. I’m sure you like to attribute it to your healthy lifestyle. It’s still just luck. My aforementioned brother is my twin. Thirty years ago he was a professional athlete and weighs less now than he did when he played. Never been a pound overweight. Has worked out at least 3 days a week since he was in his teens. Eats a healthy diet. Barely drinks and has never smoked (even weed). Never spent the 1,000s of hours in the sun that I did. He’s probably spent 75 days in the hospital over the last 15 years. He has now, or has had at least 4 different things that could have, or could still kill him with no notice. None of them are lifestyle related. Has a defibrillator permanently installed in his chest so he doesn’t spontaneously go into v-tach. (It’s gone off at least 3 times, maybe more, since he had it installed almost 10 years ago. He doesn’t even mention it anymore.)
So be happy and count your blessings. But don’t for a minute think that your good health is just because you took care of yourself. So do a lot of other people who aren’t near as lucky as you.