I understand everything you’re saying here, NSR. I’m not even sure Americans would take these jobs if they paid $15 or $18 hr. These employees can rent old farmhouses cheaply and easily get 12 people in there for <<$400 mo. Americans don't want those either because they are all situated out on Weld County Roads (WCR-#), most of them dirt or gravel and within smelling distance of the plant. With 1-3 workers per hsld and their assorted other relatives and children living with them and getting EBT, Medicaid and indigent health coverage, and other social services, these families are making out okay. Really .... they ARE! My friend in Eaton works for a social service agency in Greeley that serves a good portion of this population. They even have "free" dental care available at their clinic. I personally toured the clinic and was amazed at the (very expensive and state-of-the-art) medical and dental equipment they had - all paid for by well-heeled longtime locals' donations. The Weld and Morgan County school districts have been serving this particular population for more than 50 years. The wheel has been invented. It's all good ... I guess :=][/quote]
BG, do you think maybe the possibility exists that living in an old farmhouse with 11 other people isn't their first choice in how to live? Maybe, if their employer paid them 25% more, there would be much less turnover, they'd save recruiting and training costs, and their employees wouldn't have to live 12 people to a house. They might even have enough income so that don't need SNAP or Medicaid. And the employer would probably decrease their costs.
The short-sightedness of some business operators is truly mind-numbing.