Had foreclosures been pursued timely starting over three years ago, we would have been much further along in a recovery.
There might be some initial dip in values when all the squatters are sent packing in the same 3-6 mo. time period, but then the resulting REO’s will be quickly snapped up and we can get back to a “regular” market.
Thank you. I agree.
I don’t see this new program as being a HUGE success. It’s already been tried under various other acronyms but w/o the 50% pymt. requirement and the NOD/NOS hanging in the balance.[/quote]
That’s why, to me, it just seems another form of delay, maybe a few that get saved. Maybe some will pay the bank and then end up foreclosed in the end.
I stand back and look at this whole mess and it’s just transfer of funds from taxpayers to banks. Indirectly some people get a little of a free ride along the way.
[quote=SD Realtor]They have an objective to continue to make money and continue to stay in power. [/quote]