[quote=bearishgurl][quote=flyer]What’s really sad, IMO, is many of the kids who were raised in San Diego will never be able to find jobs or buy homes here–should they want to. At least that’s what we’ve seen with many of our kid’s friends.[/quote]
flyer, that is why my kid(s) chose to attend college and settle in SF/SV to work and my youngest is now considering doing same. Not only do the jobs there pay much better than those in SD, the are many more career opportunities for young college grads there and it is easier to move up the ladder in the seven-county bay area. The same could be said for certain parts of LA. I DO believe my kids will eventually be able to buy their own flat(s) and believe it will be likely happen thru owner-carryback financing. Right now, “rent control” is serving them just fine and has been for years. Hailing from Alameda County myself, I am more than happy for them :)[/quote]
BG, glad to hear things are working out for you and your kids. Everyone has their own idea of “success,” and as long as each person fulfills their own dreams, and can support themselves, who cares what others think or do? I know I don’t. and neither should you.
In the past, you’ve shared quite a bit of your life story with us, and you should be very proud of what your family has achieved.
(On another topic. My wife, who works in film and television, enjoys reading this and other boards when creating characters. I thought that was very interesting.)