[quote=bearishgurl]Boxer and now Feinstein? now appear to be grandstanding for Filner’s resignation and Boxer has undoubtedly spent hundreds of hours with Filner over the years and knows him WELL. She has decided to take this stand … not on any proven facts but because she is embarrassed for he CA Dem party of which she is a longtime member and doesn’t want any flies swarming around HER starched cuffs. Her stance is all about HER credibility and the DEMS ability to maintain their stronghold on the CA electorate in the future. Neither politician has any percipient knowledge whatsoever about the events Feelner is accused of and in fact neither of them reside or work in SD County.[/quote]
Sorry, I didn’t mean Feinstein (fmr Mayor of SF) was calling for Filner’s resignation. I meant Nancy Pelosi (D) SF, CA (fmr Speaker of the House and now House Minority Leader who knows Filner VERY WELL) is now calling for his resignation, along with Barbara Boxer.
Again, Pelosi has no percipient knowledge of Filner’s “indiscretions” in SD as she has never resided there nor represented any constituencies there. In taking this stand, it is obvious that she, along with Boxer, are “towing the party line” for “public relations” reasons.
And by the way, I “used to be” a longtime registered Democrat.
Piggs, we need to ask ourselves how Filner got re-elected four times to Congress in the 50th and 51st Districts while seemingly never having any issues with “coming onto” or “groping” women he came into contact with on official duties. At least not any issues which were made public.
-Could it be that women residing in the Washington DC area, in general, have thicker skin (or are possibly far less litigious than women in SD are)?
-Or did he recently experience a trauma which changed his personality?
-OR, more likely, IMHO, did he (unknowingly) enter into a hotbed of entrenched political dysfunction when he ran for and won the mayoral seat for the City of SD??
Methinks that the 1st scenario (1/3) and the 3rd scenario (2/3) played their parts in the position City and Filner find themselves in today.
I just feel that it’s very unfortunate for SD on many levels that this public maelstrom went down the way it did.