bearishgurl, I guess you’ve never remodel a kitchen before. After doing mine, I can tell you for that size kitchen, depending on the appliances and cabinet and flooring, it can easily be $50k+. The RB house in in even worse shape. I would think it would take at least $100k to upgrade the kitchen, bathrooms, and flooring of that house to get to the same quality as the Shadetree house.
Whether $361k-$516k will fix the problem is irrelavent. My point is that people like to pay for move in ready home and they’ll pay a premium for it. New homes are move in ready. You can’t really compare the two. I know that in term of value, buying an old fixer will give you bigger bang for your buck. But that doesn’t change what people want and what people are willing to pay a premium for.
BTW, I never mentioned ppsf. You seem to tell me to compare the whole package, yet you failed to do the same yourself. Whether you’d buy in Stonebridge doesn’t matter. It’s what the buyers who would that matter and what price they’re willing to pay. What you put as premium might not be what the buyers of these price range would put as a premium, and vice versa. How much of a premium do you put on that view for the Shadetree house?