[quote=bearishgurl][quote=northparkbuyer]The buyer was Chase Merritt LLC.[/quote]
Chase Merritt LLC is a local Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). They are in the business of returning higher than usual dividends to their investors by investigating into and purchasing select trustees deeds, taking possession of the underlying properties and rehabbing them for the market. Their hope is to flip these properties for a profit. I cannot answer how they will handle the eviction on this property but they have a right to possess the property as of today.
[quote=northparkbuyer] . . . I knew the owner who died and I am concerned about the children in the house.[/quote]
northparkbuyer, I hope you don’t mind my saying so, but their “mom” isn’t the “brightest light in the shed.” If she, as a mother of three (minor?) children, actually rec’d any cash proceeds from (her mother’s) estate, you have to ask yourself where that money went and why she is now seeking someone to “pay” her to vacate when she has already received “free rent” for at least a year.
Why don’t you report the family to the County’s HHSA if an eviction notice is posted on the property? If the mom doesn’t catch it in time, it will most likely be posted on a front window or the front door. HHSA will try to place the family in a temporary shelter or place the children in temporary foster care together, if possible, if the mother needs detox or drug rehab. The mother will be assisted to obtain skills and/or employment so she can eventually support her family.
A “cash for keys” payment will likely not get this family very far down the road if the mother uses this $$ for something other than shelter for her family.[/quote]
Not so sure about this bearishgurl. I am assuming you mean Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS will not take the children as long as they are presently cared for, shelter, food, no abuse, even IF the mother is a drug abuser. In order for CPS to intervene, it is tertiary intervention, ie: the incident must have already occurred. Also, getting CPS involved has it’s risks, and I would be judicious in contacting them without good reason.
Also, there is very limited availability of housing and acceptable foster care homes. Even Section 8 housing has a 2+ years waiting list. If she had a man living there and there was domestic violence, she may be able to get into a shelter, but if she is actively using drugs, she would not meet the eligibility requirements. The mother’s best bet is to see if any family members will take them.