Bearish Girl, your lengthy response shows that you do not use data to come to reasoned conclusions. I suggested that academic studies for ALL of California properties could discover the revenue loss from heirs taking over their parents’ properties under Props 13, 58 and 193. Such a study would be peer reviewed to check for accuracy.
You countered this with a long string of….anecdotes. Anecdotes, whether from your personal experience or properties sold that you apparently looked up prove exactly nothing.
From this handful of examples, you concluded that “The golden state has undoubtedly lost trillions on (Props 58 and 193) since 1986.” Are you aware the upcoming entire state budget from all tax sources is only $171 billion?
Instead of cherry-picking examples of properties taking advantage of Props 58 and 193, why not use your time to look for real research that has surely been done on the subject since it is undoubtedly a question that has occurred to others. I don’t have the time to look up such studies, but you seem to have both the time and energy.