Either the US endorses and practices torture or we don’t. We either agree to stand behind the conventions we sign and endorse or we don’t. The circumstances cannot justify the ends no matter the enemy.
Beachlover, unfortunately in America or any other country in the world nothing is black and white. There is gray in just about everything. The thought of torturing probably didn’t occur until terrorists destroyed two sacred buildings in this country with many of our citizens.
You may want to read some laws about what is deemed legal or illegal in our government’s current actions. We may not all agree with the stimulus packages, but unfortunately we don’t have that choice. Sometimes things have to be done for a reason and neither you or I have a choice in the matter. If they work they work and if they don’t what can we do?
You might want to step outside the box for a moment and realize that playing by the rules doesn’t always work. Ask a fellow responsible American about that!