beachlover: I’m not conflating Gitmo/Abu Ghraib with the Lewinsky situation (and, AGAIN, it had nothing to do with Clinton’s keeping his zipper up, it had to do with a sitting President SUBORNING PERJURY.).
I am, however, bringing your attention to Clinton’s policy of extraordinary rendition (he started the policy and used it extensively), whereby individuals that the US suspected (and that word is key) were sent to “black” sites throughout the world, including Egypt, Saudi and Jordan, and questioned without due process, rights or representation.
Clinton’s hands were quite dirty and not only on rendition, but also in his support of covert eavesdropping programs like NSA’s Carnivore and Echelon.
As to Catholic schooling: I was merely bantering on this point and was NOT drawing a comparison or trying to minimize anything. Before you start pontificating about Dubya, get your facts straight. The US has been actively involved in covert ops going back to before WWII. As I said in an earlier post, assemble your facts before trying to blackball Dubya like he represents some aberrant behavior. History tells a vastly different story. Read it.