I have a friend who’s a seal. Some of his friends are sea lions and they have seen an awful lot of sharks in the water lately and have been afraid to go in.
“I’m just scared of all the sharks, you used to be able to go in to the water and there were very few sharks, now you see all these fins out there circling. I’m hanging out here at Children’s Pool until I feel it’s safe.” says my seal friend.
Some of sea lions I interviewed felt the same way. “I have a friend who went in last week, and I haven’t seen him since, he was just going into the water for a quick swim, but now he hasn’t come out”
Rather than interview somebody like a lifeguard or a marine biologist, I decided to interview the sharks themselves to to find out if this was true:
“absolutely not!” said one unnamed shark “there are not many sharks out here, I invite the seals to come on in and swim their plump, juicy bodies around!”
Wanting to be sure to get an impartial view, I interviewed another shark “all those fins you see are just..umm … just dolphins! yeah Dolphins!” said another unnamed shark.
Well there you go seals, sounds like the water’s perfectly safe to me.