Be prepared for a 6 month search if you havent started. As you arent dependent upon the school year yet, you can be shopping when I always find the best deals are put together which is between October and December. By then you should be able to save enough to have 20% down and 6 months reserves. With 20% down and that income you should be able to find a great home under $600K and perhaps quite a bit under depending upon what you are looking for. Get yourself good help and you will be fine.
Just a quick note, the advice you will get to follow will come from the harshest critics left. Many of them missed out on 4% or lower 30 yr fixed rates and prices which were lower than they are now. I’m not saying that they are or were wrong but I certainly wouldnt say they were right either. Only in hindsight will any of us know for certain. It was it is.