[quote=barnaby33]So why wouldn’t I take the forbearance? If there is zero or low cost it seems like nothing but upside. I mean seriously if you are arguing moral hazard you simply have not paid attention to the entire last decade. Every single entity that was on the Fed bailout tit has become larger and more systemically important at your/my/our expense. You aren’t going to fix that with elections, so the best you can do as a moral human is role with it and try not to drown in what’s coming.
Go for it. If this crossed your mind then that means you probably fear for the worst. It’s a prudent thing to take steps that you think would alleviate some of the stress/pressure. At the end of the day you must do what’s best to protect you and your family. The system is set up for people to apply. It’s up to the people on the other side of the table to make the decision to approve or not.
I personally think this bailout, like many before and after, is skewed to enrich the super rich. While the peasants get peanuts.