[quote=barnaby33]Possibly, but pretending you don’t have a checklist is worse. [/quote]
Here’s my checklist:
1. Hot
2. Sense of humor
3. Hot
4. Disease-free
5. Hot
6. Stifles any urge to nag
Things most men say they care about but I don’t:
1. Education, intelligence, etc.
These are traits I want my long-term friends to have (male or female). And if a woman I’m dating has them – bonus. But if she doesn’t – no big deal. It’s not like we’re going to get married, after all.
2. Kids
I’m not going to be their father. And sometimes it’s good when a woman you’re dating has a lot of other responsibilities on her plate – she has less time for you.
3. Smoking
As long as she doesn’t do it around me and keeps a healthy supply of breath mints handy.
4. Financial responsibility
I won’t be supporting her, so…