It ain’t contained, it ain’t subprime and it ain’t over. Not by a long shot.
Bubblesitter, unless you are prepared to day trade there are NO GOOD investments right now. I say that because everyones books are so cooked you can’t possibly evaluate one potential good company from the turds stinking up the joint. The whole point of staying out of the markets is to wait until the govt stops trying to pick the winners and make the losers into winners at your expense. Once that happens, then you’ll be in an enviable position to buy great companies at steep discounts. We are nowhere near that point.
SRS, you’ve been a big disappointment to me these last 2 months, don’t fail me now!
Barnaby, I have to say I partially disagree. I think gold and silver mining stocks may be a good play right now. If you can imagine how bad this sector was beat down when the markets were crushed. I think gold and silver stocks have a lot of catching up to do with the current commodity prices. As far as everything else, I would stay away.
For gold I like GG, ABX and AUY. For silver I like PAAS. Keep an eye on these as I believe they are poised for a nice run up.