Bah, sorry work-time typos–mixing up repatriation with reparations.
I know our government paid out. I’m just wondering if NavyDoc agrees with the payout since his ancestors happened to get here 30 years or so before it happened (as opposed to slavery).
Anyway, the ancestor thread is pretty tortured logic. If you became a citizen of this country, you accept the responsiblities and duties that came with US citizenship.
Based on that “when I came over” logic, you should be saying that the Constitution doesn’t apply to you since it was written before your ancestors came over.
Or a variant (the “when I came into existence” scenario). That’s like saying since a child was born in 2006, he isn’t accountable for all the fed deficit that accrued beforehand.
Just tell me where you’re willing to draw the bright line test with this brilliant argument.