[quote=backintown]I couldn’t agree more, minorities should rise on their own, but it is very difficult if a small clique has a strong hold on the most powerful positions using collective resources to give strong preference in training, grooming and investing to their own. While this fairly small minority might actually have been hurt in the past from this exact issue and has successfully conquered a well deserving a seat on the table, today it seems it wants all the seats on it. It ends up dictating policy on behalf of the whole country and a mirroring clique on the private side (many switch sides at some point) has benefited tremendously from the policies this group has put in place. To be clear, it is not as if this group has absolute control over everything, but for a meager two percent of the population it seems to be amazingly influential.
This really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. It simply does not pass the smell test. In what way have Jews used their tiny “clique” to give “strong preference in training and grooming”. Have “they” kept non-Jews out of top universities or banking positions across the country? If so, how so?
It’s hard to fault any individual who has risen through the ranks of their industry to want to the top position in their field. How did they get there? By being hired by non-Jews. Not a single one of those Fed bankers or Treasury Secretaries was hired for that position by another Jew. Not a single one. Any evidence whatsoever that those choices were inappropriately influenced?
Do you understand that this claim dates back to medieval anti-Semitism? It is textbook following of the anti-Semitic hoax “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” promoted by Adolf Hitler and Henry Ford, probably the most virulent anti-Semite this country has ever seen. That’s the hateful company you’re hanging with.