Back to the OP … this problem isn’t exclusive to MI. There are areas of the southwest (flyover country) which have had “rusty” tap water for years. (Don’t know if its actually contaminated with lead.) I suspect the nearby fracking operations dumping into the nearby tributaries are major contributors to this problem. Again, it is the local governmental water quality personnel who are falling down on their duties in this region.
The citizens of CA are fortunate in that we have (overzealous?) environmental agencies who are constantly on top of any instances of pollution (i.e. warnings of ocean water pollution from Mexican sewage runoff into SD County) as well as all other aspects of our environment.
Complain all you want about how this is “bad for business” but before doing so, please consider the alternative. You need look no further than other states (with less conscientious gubment agencies to protect the environment) to see what happens in the absence of a high level of regulatory oversight in place.