Asiannautica; I didn’t mean to imply congress, I meant the president. The white base didn’t sit on its hands for Bush. He still got reelected.
Like I said before SDEngineer, there is much more tolerance for homophobia than for racism. Not that it’s fair, it is what it is. McCains disassociation from Hagee will be less painful than Obamas with Wright. We can debate this all day but time will tell. And I bet I am correct.
I think that the voters will go with what they know (even if they don’t like McCain all that much), this is what happened with GW vs Kerry. What did all the analyses say about Kerry before he lost? Last I remember he was projected to be the winner by the mainstream media.
My impression of McCain is that he doesn’t want to bail out anyone. It’s a coin toss whether he gives in to pressure from the right to bailout big business. I think you are correct that Obama will try to bail out the masses.