[quote=asianautica][quote=Ren]The only other rule I have is, “ONLY Maxtor hard drives.” If a store-bought PC doesn’t have a Maxtor hard drive, I don’t buy it, which usually means building my own.
Wow, really? Maxtor is known to have the poorest quality of all the HDD brands. I guess you had good experience w/ them. 2 of my Maxtor died on me. My Seagate and WD drives are soldiering on though. Maxtor is also just a rebranded Seagate now. Seagate bought them a few years back.[/quote]
I put Maxtors in my own systems along with friends and family. After several years they fill up and I have to upgrade, but I’ve never had a failure. Still I’m not so confident that I don’t have an image on a second drive.
In my tech support days (11-15 years ago, high volume database server support) by far the most feared and most failed drives were WD. Maybe that’s changed, but I haven’t had the nerve to try them again.