[quote=asianautica]CNBC is as balance as you can get with regards to MSM. Name me another station that invite a equally smart and equally opinionated panel and let them discuss. You can pick and chose who you want to listen to. CNN is almost as bad as Fox, but on the other end of the spectrum.
Specifically about Kudlow & Company, most of the time, they always have 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 for bears vs bulls, dems vs reps, etc. You can’t get more balance than that on any MSM. The hosts, from Erin, to Kudlow, all know their stuff. Whether you agree with them or not, they’re much more knowledgeable than any other MSM I’ve seen.[/quote]
Only Ron Insana was talking about deflation a year ago, while Kudlow was quaking about how great economy was doing. So, NO Kudlow doesn’t know as much as Rich or Sdude or most posters here.
The Fast Money guys are only ones who talk straight. Caruso and Francis bash union workers all day long stating they make $73/hr (most of that is for retiree pensions and benefits). Meanwhile GE is sinking, getting Govt help and these ladies are not volunteering pay cuts for themselves.
Bloomberg is where to get real stories, esp Night Talk with Mike Schneider.