As we all admit, Repub’s and Dem’s alike, Bush did a terrible job as President of this country. Let’s also take into consideration that Iraq for the most part was a failure. Now looking back at the last eight years let’s take away two key components that Bush had little to do with. Firstly, Bush did not have his hand in 9/11, although many conspiracy theorist would beg to differ. Secondly, the housing market, which obviously took many years and a lot of deregulation to inflate. This would leave Bush with one major problem and that was Iraq.
As far as we know we went into Iraq to find WMDs and take out Saddam. Is it is possible that we actually went into Iraq to gain a foothold in the middle east so that our friend Ahmadenijad in Iran wouldn’t start using the Euro for oil which would essentially destroy the US Dollar? As much as I am not a fan of Bush, I start looking back at all these failures and start to wonder if just maybe Bush wasn’t really to blame for everything.
That is our biggest problem is we always have to blame someone for our problems rather than taking some responsibility. This country is full of greed and many of you need to learn that your greed played a role in this problem instead of always blaming others. I admit I wanted all the nice fancy cars and big houses and at one point I had that. It has been a hard pill to swallow, but I am now learning to sacrifice and shortly every American will have no choice but to learn what the word sacrifice means. We have all been spoiled and it is time for reality to set in!!