As someone already said, it’s month to month, and look at the numbers from a year ago.
The other thing the article isn’t as boastful about is how much cheaper prices are from a year ago.
To me though this is a small sign of relief before the next shoe to drop, aftershock, or (insert your favorite “doomsday” metaphor here). Housing has only been on the downturn for 18 months. After 10 years of rising, the last 3-5 of it entirely speculative, I just don’t see any way that this could be a sign of the bottom.
When MSM, your doctor, baby sitter, the checker at the grocery store, and your Realtor tell you to wait to buy because prices are still falling, then we’ll be closer to the bottom.
All this talk about a 2008-2009 turn around are premature. We still have enough ARMs resetting through 2011 to do as much damage as we’ve already seen, and we know people will be calling the bottom all the way down. Once they stop calling the bottom, we’re probably there.