As long as you can afford the expenses, you should be fine. If you can't hack a 30 year amortized, go for a 10 year interest only.
Horrible advice!
Remember that Harveston has high HOA and really high taxes along with the really small lots. You will have to live with this for a long time if you go ahead and buy it. At 350k you will be paying $7000k per year in taxes and another $1500 in hoa. Thats over $700 per month even if the house was paid off. I just think thats high because the last home I owned the taxes were $2200 per year and $35 hoa instead of $130. I also rent in Harveston in Chatham, I do like the houses, but I wouldn't buy here for the reasons listed plus the yuppie factor is really high here which I honestly don't care for.
Good luck, for $325k or less, it is a RELATIVELY really good price!