“As if RE deprecitation is the only way a persons portfolio could lose value?”
No, of course not. However, there are investments that will lose less and make more than RE will. Specifically SoCal RE. Why do you think Rich has a new day job???
“Aren’t a few people here pissed because it is going to be hard to support non RE assets and even cash in some scenarios in a crash?”
Yes, I am. But I’ve also implemented strategies to mitigate that effect. I would not have that opportunity with RE. SoCal RE is depreciating and it’s denominated in USD. Double Whammy.
“My mortgage payment is still going to be zero regardless or what happens to my overall net worth and I can have cash flow from it anytime I want, without loosing the asset.”
Ah yes, I got mine, now you go get yours right? Come on Rustico, you know better. That is the whole reason why this site exists “…Landed Poor”. I’ve long since reconciled with the possibility of never owning again. I hope that doesn’t happen, but I have accepted it if it does. That being said, I will only buy when the price point is acceptable to me and that will be somewhere far south of where it is now. If your house is a big piece of your nest egg, then you are relying on people like me to buy it sometime in the future. How many will have credit and cash relative to listing inventory? That is operative question.