As I previously stated, I won’t get into any more religious motifs. I have overstayed my welcome with these comments, it isn’t the forum for them. I won’t change your minds, you wont change mine. Hey lostkitty – I do love the message of jesus – and wish that the people who profess it so strongly actually paid heed to it (it’s pretty sad when I’m a better Christian than GW!) (do you think that was improperly said jg? I meant it in the spirit of what Christianity is supposed to stand for if you eliminate all the dogma, politics, and all the popes for at least 1000 years.
That being said, sorry you are so voracious about not using embryos. The embryos in question are frozen by couples who have used invitro techniques because they couldnt have children naturally. Are you against this? They would also be thrown away if not used. When I die all my body parts will go to anyone that can use them. I’m an organ donor. It makes me happy that my parts could be used to prolong someones life. Why can’t embryos be used the same way? They weren’t created to make experiments, and the vast majority of people polled (was a study this week) who have these embryos which are going to be destroyed think its fine.
Again – you have been taught something in your religion. That life starts with conception and that the moment an egg is fertilized it is a person. As someone with a scientific nature it angers me that when a few cells (literally a tiny mass of cells at the point an embryo is) cannot be used for research to help mankind, when they are being used anyway except for federal funding (the boat has sailed on religion being used to stop all science).
So once again – I get words like gruesome, Nazi-like, etc. because you think that what you were taught is fact. Sorry – from my perspective you are just a misguided person who is standing in the way of progress. It is ultimately up to me for the sake of my children to try and stop the people who are dangerous to our society.
I tried to form this without using any meanness or rants. It’s just my opinion. By the way, there are lots of republican religious folks (not the far right) which back the measure. They don’t consider it Nazi-like nor do they think the world was formed in 7 days and that it is only 8000 years old (or something like that).