As a borrower, I don’t care if they’re a solid outfit (meaning I don’t care if they go out of business a few months after my loan is neatly squared away). Folks like aimloan (I’m pretty sure) just repackage loans and sell them to somebody else shortly after close anyway.
By solid, I simply meant do they deliver on what they advertise? I briefly mentioned that aimloan looked a little shifty when I did only the simplest google on them. What I found was that on multiple message boards where people would be badmouthing aimloan, a Mr. Jim Rice would chime in with “they’re great, I’ve done 4 re-fis with them since 1998” Wow! What an enthusiastic customer!
Anyhoo, that led me to believe they might engage in shady practices. That said, am I surprised that message boards have post saying this lender or that lender sucks? No. That a lender might have a shill? No. Would I give them a chance at doing a loan for me? You bet! I just wouldn’t let them waste a lot of my time even though I would have to research in more detail what their true reputation for 11th hour term changes is.
Banks are in shambles, but I’d still take their money (well, if I needed it, that is, still havent’ found that right house at the right price).
Don’t worry about flaming me! I wouldn’t dish it out if I couldn’t take it. Pathetically, I see too much sport in it… now, where is that pesky sdrealtor? I love battling that guy (even though he’s unusually good at swaying my opinion).