I don’t know anyone who has debt, who didn’t intentionally borrow it.
I have friends who borrowed $40k in debt, and then declared bankruptcy. Who is out this money? Not the deadbeat friend who now has $40k worth of “stuff”, but rather the average person whose 401k owns Master Card, Wells Fargo, and Citibank stocks.
I am all for no more bailouts for any company. Unfortunately, the union bosses turned out their sheeple to vote for Obama, and they wanted to keep their jobs at GM and Chrysler, so he bailed them out.
He bailed out the banks, because contrary to everyone’s common belief, Wall Street and the banks contributed more to Obama’s campaign than to McCain’s. But he’s a man of the PEOPLE, right? LOL
I am for corporate responsibility as much as I am for personal responsibility.
Those who advocate socialism for the masses have to understand that it also means socialism for big business. The socialistic politicians choose to rescue the big companies with lots of jobs and let the mom and pop piddly companies die for lack of air. This is for the good of their employees.
State capitalism and national socialism are pretty much the same thing. Government will choose which companies and people will get money and who will pay the taxes for this. We were on a slow march there with Bush, and then we hopped on the Amtrak with Obama.