Who’s the stupid policy maker allow $0 down payment to own a house here?
The same policy makers that encouraged manufacturing to be shipped over seas and all other US destructive polices over the past 4 decades. In essence, Americans were sold out for a quick buck while officials told them how great it would be. Of course, then they were called “spoiled and not competitive” because of their obedience. Interestingly, Asia and the western financiers were a huge beneficiaries of the occidental worlds housing bubble while, again, the average westerners were berated for their greed and stupidity.
See a pattern here, the average joe is sold a bill of goods i.e. public policy or financial scam(usually going hand and hand). When they follow the policies or scams as put forth by officaldom and their living standard goes down, they is berated. Talk about an abusive relationship.
Now, we just need them to keep internalizing the “fault” of their plight and make sure the don’t catch on that the will get sold down the river or scammed with every new policy. Besides, they are “spoiled and not competitive”. This permanent state of poverty should be a good little lesson for the new under-class.[/quote]