Well, thanks Dave. For a second I thought the banks were trying to sustain the unsustainable at the cost of the whole society and manipulating their books to milk investors before their day of reckoning, which will come sooner or later. Next time I’ll check my corporate accounting text book before posting such drivel. Karl is a hysterical kook with ADHD, no doubt. Though he does occasionally bring up some very interesting points.
See, I always preferred physics over finance, evolutionary biology over business and reality over illusion.
So have fun with your “virtual-theoretical”, smoke and mirror filled maze and bedazzling us with your intimate knowledge of the intricate inner workings of the banking industry. It won’t last long and sooner or later reality is going to come calling and all the manipulations will fall short in a monumental way.
Karl does bring up some interesting points, actually. He’s no idiot. I bet he even understands the difference between and income statement and a balance sheet. But, yes, I would classify him as somewhat hysterical.
Since you prefer physics to finance, then you won’t have much problem picking up the basics of Accounting 101 and 102. After which time your finance-related posts might make more sense.
I find it interesting that you can bring up “reality” without even understanding how accounting in the real world of finance works. And, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying accounting is reality by any stretch. Just merely pointing out that without some grounding in accounting, you really don’t even know where to begin in trying to figure out what APPROXIMATE reality MIGHT be. As your prior post shows clearly.
Basically, your prior post proves that you don’t even understand the foundations of what you’re trying to discuss. And this last post is just another attempt to hide that fact; a triumph of sophistry over understanding – long on rhetoric, short on facts.