[quote=Arraya][quote=stockstradr]Thank you to no_such_reality for posting this link, which I found to be one of the best articles I’ve read so far on this topic:
Our foreign policy is that of a paranoid schizophrenic hearing voices in our heads – telling us to go form country to country to bomb, kill and displace millions on the off chance that we can stop some mysterious group nobody can really prove exists, with no bases or head quarters that maybe has an enrollment of a few thousand at the most – because, and this is the best part, they hate us for our freedoms. Please make no connection between the mass death and destruction and discontent
Israel, otoh, started by ethnically cleansing close to a million people in over 500 villages, in what resembles and 19th century colonial project. And to this day is moving Jews from all over the world, into, internationally recognized “occupied” see: stolen land. Of course, their ministry of propaganda tells them that they just hate Jews and “want to wipe us off the map”, while, ironically, they are wiping them off the map. Please make no connection between the mass dispossession and discontent
Behind this exercise in mass insanity we have a military-intelligence- security apparatus that treats every security threat like a commercial for a new device to fleece the public with. While, ironically, each one of the “threats” was followed and allowed to move forward to a certain extent by the same apparatus that profits off of the “threat”. But remember don’t believe in conspiracies, unless, of course, they are about nefarious muslims conspiring to take our freedoms away, as ironically, our freedoms are taken away