[quote=Arraya]Russ when the dollar crashed troops are coming home because we can’t fund them anymore. The dollar reserve currency is a very clever global taxation method.
By this time next year, real unemployment will be pushing 26-30% and most state services will be getting slashed because of plummeting tax revenue right at the moment we they need it the most.
Right now the Fed is playing weekend at Bernies until the world pulls the plug.
This is the debt-ocalypse[/quote]
I will throw a party when the troops come home broke or not, “win or lose”.
Sure you are right about the dollar taxation scheme.
I agree with the others who think life will go on O.K. It makes sense that, unless the U.S is being blown to pieces, some arrangement will be made to accommodate the existing domestic debt structures more or less. There is no way I believe that the dollar becoming less relevant on an international scale, or the U.S default on debt or any of these other things predicted is going to get Joe six pack out of hock.On the other hand “globalism” will not get him off the hook either. He just might change hands to a new set of masters. If J6P survives to pay his debt then those J6P’s currently in the black will certainly survive, albeit within the “lower living standards” of the new economy.
I guess there are some other scenarios that would marginally approximate an “apocalypse”. Perhaps some attempt at confiscation of all domestically held private assets ….and a different form of government. I guess to that you would say, “Bingo”!In that case there goes your gold and the box of tomatoes that I was going to pay my house off with.