[quote=Arraya][quote=outtamojo][quote=Arraya][quote=outtamojo][quote=Arraya][quote=outtamojo]” Lack of building and less than trend household formation are bullish for prices in the far out future.[/quote]
This is making a huge assumption that we will be going back to historic economic growth patterns when all evidence points the contrary and in fact is probably impossible.[/quote]
In a nutshell, your assumptions are just as huge as mine and require just as much faith.[/quote]
Nonsense, because you don’t the slightest idea what I am talking about whereas I completely understand what you are talking about.
Economics is not a science. It’s a group of philosophers all trying to prove solipsism in a large circle jerk[/quote]
If you really understood what I was saying you would know that I was saying exactly what you said about economists and that is why I got such a kick out of the recent bump here http://piggington.com/us_to_default_on_its_debt_summer_2009
Should I link Bernake’s quote in late 2005 that we are not in a housing bubble about to burst to refute this as evidence to the contrary?
No, it’s as irrelevant as that bump. Basically you are saying since this group of people said something negative and it did not come true therefore all negative comments about future economic developments are wrong. Or something to that affect.[/quote]
Go ahead, I laughed at him too, and Greenspan, and Lereah and nowadays, Roubini, Whitney. About the only guy I respect now on the semi big stage is Doug Kass who out predicted them all and I’ve never heard him mentioned here.
Edit: I left out Mish the deflationist, who was admonished by a poster for recommending that folks buy a freezer and stock up on meats. I never did see his answer for that one…