[quote=Arraya]Obama made an argument in 2008 when he said he was AGAINST the individual mandate. He joked, “We could solve the homeless problem by requiring that everybody buy a house.” That was Candidate Obama.
The really absurd thing about this is that for years it was the REPUBLICANS who favored the individual mandate – everybody being forced to buy private health insurance – this was their big “reform” idea going back to the 90s. Now all of a sudden the Dems have adopted it, and the Repubs don’t support it anymore.
Bush got everything he wanted and Obama is getting nothing (although he has to pretend to want what he gets to maintain the illusion that he is powerful). The right yells that he is a tyrant, yet the right is getting their way. Politics is too funny.[/quote]
Obama is clueless. He trys to make a joke without realizing the truth to what he was saying.
Everyone getting a house is exactly what Fannie Mae allowed and is what caused this mess.